Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years at Pacific City
It was freezing cold but beautiful

We rented a beach house with our friends Ryan and Rainey.....
who are amazing and we   them a whole bunch!
BUT I didn't get any pictures with them or of them, ya I suck.

We did make it out to the beach this year....
and we discovered driving ONTO the beach is seriously the ONLY way to do it!
We plan on going to P.C. for our second attempt at Zo's 'first beach trip'  

 {my favorite picture of us to date }

Merry Christmas from the McClains

We had a wonderful holiday with family and friends....
here is a little preview of our cheer 

 {we still have issues with zo not wanting to take pictures
heres hoping she grows out of it in the new year}

 {me and my sweet}

 {papa and gigi Christmas morning}

 {oh the playdough has landed, she loved it}

{Her favorite present, B Parum Pum Drum.... loved it so much}

Hope everyone had a happy and full of love Christmas!!!