Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The McClain Family   Casual Camera.....

These pictures are a little more special than some of the others,
 as our little miss zo decided to show her 2 year old self early and pitch a fit.....

BUT my beautiful, talented friend that is Casual Camera 
still got awesome pictures of us!!!!
So here's to you Chelle,

 {My favorite}

 {love her expression}

{vintage looking 

Monday, December 20, 2010

We all LOVE Christmas.....
and these are some of my favorite things....

{ If I was single I would decorate my house 
in white & silver goodness like this ♥ } 

 { Really want to wake up on Christmas morning
and go do this with my sweetie }


 {This is my drink of choice these days }

 { Planning on making these }


Thursday, December 16, 2010

 I always get SUPER excited for planning my outfits for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day....
and its only better that I have my little one to plan for too.....  

{Christmas Eve}

{Lace and ruffle dress from Target}
  that is actually a dress but I am making it a top 
adding a gold belt and black ruffle cardigan  

{Black Tweed pants- O.N.}
Finish it off with gold velvet flats and gold hoops

{Christmas Day}
{LC lauren conrade rosette sweater}
I have been DROOLING over this for some time, so soft and comfy  

 {Apt. 9 lace skirt}
add dark maroon tights and grey suede boots

{Zo's Christmas Eve} 

 {Trumpet for Target}



{Zo's Christmas Day}
I have to say I absolutely love this sweater!!! 


So apparently I like Target A LOT.... and it's pretty much true!
What are you wearing on Christmas????

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The McClain's Holiday thus far......

 {Thanksgiving 2010}

 {Totally   this outfit}

{  ♥   }

 {The hard working cooks}

 {We found our tree}

 {This is our way of keeping little miss zo from destroying the tree...put it on the table}

 {My new favorite decoration}

 {Waiting to visit Santa....who we both knew very well!}

 { After all that wait, asking to go up and see Santa, she was freaked! Poor girl}


{Me  my Santa} 

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Early Spring-Time

With the BEAUTIFUL weather we were having, brought us out of our winter hibernation mode and into spring clothes and to parks and the beach.... and Zo's room getting a slight makeover ( I was in cleaning and orgainizing mode too)

This was the extent of Zo's first beach trip... it was soooo wet and rainy! Shopping and eating lunch, she really didn't seem to mind
Saint Cupcake
Yummmy yum yum yum

Birthday lunch for Michelle's mom, Shirley

Grass is apparently a very fascinating thing to a 7 month old... I could not get her look at me it was all about the grass!

LOVES to swing
And finally, Zoey's newest addition, her two bottom front teeth which she proudly showing off :)