Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The McClain Family   Casual Camera.....

These pictures are a little more special than some of the others,
 as our little miss zo decided to show her 2 year old self early and pitch a fit.....

BUT my beautiful, talented friend that is Casual Camera 
still got awesome pictures of us!!!!
So here's to you Chelle,

 {My favorite}

 {love her expression}

{vintage looking 

Monday, December 20, 2010

We all LOVE Christmas.....
and these are some of my favorite things....

{ If I was single I would decorate my house 
in white & silver goodness like this ♥ } 

 { Really want to wake up on Christmas morning
and go do this with my sweetie }


 {This is my drink of choice these days }

 { Planning on making these }


Thursday, December 16, 2010

 I always get SUPER excited for planning my outfits for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day....
and its only better that I have my little one to plan for too.....  

{Christmas Eve}

{Lace and ruffle dress from Target}
  that is actually a dress but I am making it a top 
adding a gold belt and black ruffle cardigan  

{Black Tweed pants- O.N.}
Finish it off with gold velvet flats and gold hoops

{Christmas Day}
{LC lauren conrade rosette sweater}
I have been DROOLING over this for some time, so soft and comfy  

 {Apt. 9 lace skirt}
add dark maroon tights and grey suede boots

{Zo's Christmas Eve} 

 {Trumpet for Target}



{Zo's Christmas Day}
I have to say I absolutely love this sweater!!! 


So apparently I like Target A LOT.... and it's pretty much true!
What are you wearing on Christmas????

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The McClain's Holiday thus far......

 {Thanksgiving 2010}

 {Totally   this outfit}

{  ♥   }

 {The hard working cooks}

 {We found our tree}

 {This is our way of keeping little miss zo from destroying the tree...put it on the table}

 {My new favorite decoration}

 {Waiting to visit Santa....who we both knew very well!}

 { After all that wait, asking to go up and see Santa, she was freaked! Poor girl}


{Me  my Santa}